

Seeking remote places, going far away is what many of us strive towards when the urge to distance ourselves from daily life grows stronger.

Wanting adventure can sometimes mean sitting in a car for hours at end or booking a flight to reach that desired destination.

Now, in a time characterized by isolation and restrcition - oftentimes we instead find ourselves surrounded,overwhelmed by vast landscape of concrete whilst simultaneously navigating the mundane.

But here at the middle of Europe, in the city of Munich, without the geographical blessing of a coastline - you can suit up, go surfing and calm the desire to venture elsewhere in the cooling water of the Eisbach.

People travel all over the world, seeking distant unique places in order to find new experiences and get a sense of adventure.

With the ongoing travel restrictions, it becomes more apparent that we should learn how to rediscover that which is around us. Redefine the definition on the meaning of adventure.

Maybe it’s far fetched to call something this close to home an adventure. But I certainly wish to deem it so.